4.7 Software Release Tips

Avoid big changes before release

The version release deadline is due to next week. You have finished implementation and unit testing. Your project leader is very happy. Actually he is so happy, that he comes with a new idea to improve the system by adding a new big feature to it. The idea is really good, but you feel a little discomfort. Can you finish all the work, specification, design, implementation and testing, without changing the deadline? You implement the feature, but next week you find several bugs. You work late every day of the week and release the new version on time, but without doing enough system test... Few days later, the customer find several bugs related to the new feature. It would be better to postpone the new feature to the next version and focus on testing.

Build with release mode

After you finished debugging, build your program with release mode setting instead of debug mode.

Building with release mode, consumes less code space and save memory, so the install file will be smaller.


Label the release with the version control tool

When you release the new version, you need to check in the source files to the version control repository.

Then you need to label the new version with its version name and number. The version control software mark all the recent revisions with the new label.


Write version description document

n the version description document you can write down, every new version release, the new features that were added to the product and all the bugs that were fixed from the previous version.
This document will be used by the developers, to keep track on the content of each version. Some customers may also find it helpful too.
The version description document may be written as a simple text file that is named version.txt.
If you have several products you can have for each one a version.txt file of its own.
Lets look how a typical version.txt file should look:

Back messenger versions
Version # : 1.0
Date : 1/3/2010
Author : Joe
Description : This is the product's first version it includes
1) On/Off key.
2) Plastic cover.
3) Internal engine.

Version # : 1.1
Date : 1/5/2010
Author : Joe
Description :

1) Bug fix: when the On/Off key was turned on and immediately off, the engine did not stop.
2) New feature: traveler's bag that contains the back massager.

Version # : 2.0
Date : 5/8/2010
Author : Max
Description : Product was redesigned with infra red body heater.

Every version release we add a version description block, which contains the version number, date, author's name and the description of the changes that were done from the previous version.
















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