C Operators

List of C operators with their symbol, syntax and precedence.

Table of C Operators

Symbol Syntax Name Precedence
[] [x] brackets 1
() (x) parenthesis 1


structure member (from pointer) 1
. x.member structure member 1
++ ++x prefix increment 2
-- --x prefix decrement 2
++ x++ postfix increment 2
-- x-- postfix decrement 2
& &x variable address 2
* *p pointer indirection 2
sizeof() sizeof(x) size of variable in bytes 2
(type) (type)x type cast 2
~ ~x bitwise NOT 2
! !x logical NOT 2
+ +x unary plus 2
- -x unary minus 2
* x*y multiplication 3
/ x/y division 3
% x%y modulus (integer) 3
+ x+y addition 4
- x-y subtraction 4
<< x<<y left shift 5
>> x>>y right shift 5
> x>y greater than 6
>= x>=y greater than or equal 6
< x<y smaller than 6
<= x<=y smaller than or equal 6
== x==y comparison - equal to 7
!= x!=y comparison - not equal to 7
& x&y bitwise AND 8
^ x^y bitwise XOR 9
| x|y bitwise  OR 10
&& x&&y logical AND 11
|| x||y logical OR 12
?: C ? T : F Conditional expression 13
= x=y assignment operator 14
+= x+=y addition and assignment 14
-= x-=y subtraction and assignment 14
*= x*=y multiplication and assignment 14
/= x/=y division and assignment 14
%= x%=y modulus  and assignment 14
&= x&=y bitwise AND and assignment 14
|= x|=y bitwise OR and assignment 14
^= x^=y bitwise XOR and assignment 14
>>= x>>=y right shift and assignment 14
<<= x<<=y left shift and assignment 14
, x,y Comma - expressions separator 15


Syntax:        x,y denotes a variable or expression.

                  p denotes a pointer.

Precedence: 1 is the highest.


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