Resistor Symbols

Resistor symbols of electrical & electronic circuit diagram - resistor, potentiometer, variable resistor.

Table of resistor symbols

resistor symbol Resistor (IEEE) Resistor reduces the current flow.
resistor symbol Resistor (IEC)
potentiomemer symbol Potentiometer (IEEE) Adjustable resistor - has 3 terminals.
potentiometer symbol Potentiometer (IEC)
variable resistor symbol Variable Resistor / Rheostat (IEEE) Adjustable resistor - has 2 terminals.
variable resistor symbol Variable Resistor / Rheostat (IEC)
Trimmer Resistor Preset resistor
Thermistor Thermal resistor - change resistance when temperature changes
Photoresistor / Light dependent resistor (LDR) Photo-resistor - change resistance with light intensity change


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See also

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